Music at Wesley
At Wesley, we have a strong vocal and instrumental music program. Below are three of our regular ensembles.
For more information on our music program, feel free to contact our Director of Music Ministries, Jona Tickle, at
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir rehearses at 7:00 pm on Wednesday nights during the school year in the Hurst Choir Room.
This choir is open to adults and older youth.
They sing most Sundays fall through spring in the 10:15 worship service.
Handbell Choir
This handbell choir is a great opportunity for anyone with a basic understanding of music.
This fall will be a beginner handbell choir, Learn to Ring, which will meet at 6:00 pm on Wednesdays in the fall through spring in the Hurst Choir Room.
They will play on special occasions in our worship services.
The Praise Band
This group of talented instrumentalists and vocalists has become an outstanding addition to Sunday Morning worship and special services.
They rehearse on Sunday mornings.